
 ❥ ѕcroll down тo тнe wιdgeт area тo ѕee мy ѕтaтυѕ and ιғ ι’м worĸιng on yoυr order!
❥ clιcĸ тнe ғollow вυттon тo geт ғιrѕт dιвѕ on coυponѕ and ѕweepѕтaĸeѕ gιven oυт daιly!
❥ lιĸe yoυr prodυcт? мaĸe ѕυre тo adverтιѕe υѕ and тell υѕ yoυr ғeedвacĸ!
❥ wonderιng wнaт’ѕ тaĸιng ѕo long ғor yoυr order тo geт нere? cнecĸ oυт oυr delιvery polιcy.
❥ вeғore yoυ order, мaĸe ѕυre yoυ’ve agreed тo oυr тerмѕ oғ ѕervιce!

enjoy yoυr ѕтay and тнanĸ yoυ ғor ѕнoppιng aт ѕнop ιмperғecтly!

Grand Opening

To celebrate Shop Imperfectly’s grand opening (of December 7, 2013), the first five people to order a header or banner will receive it without charge!

Please advertise us!
